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2020 Marketing Calendar

Plan out Marketing for Whole Year

2020 Marketing Calendar includes all the important days of 2020, as well as some great advice to go with each month to make sure you don’t miss any important opportunities. Making sure you’re on top of it when it comes to planning for those special occasions. When you’re busy managing an eCommerce site. It can be easy to let important events slip by and fall through the cracks: seasonal sales, special holidays, and other important events – but it’s something you can’t afford to have happened if you want to get the most out of a great opportunity. Holiday marketing is one of the best ways to connect with customers in a way that’s outside of the norm and win them over doing something unique. It’s also a time when shoppers are most engaged and ready to make a purchase.

But, just remembering the dates isn’t enough. You also have to plan out your inventory and marketing campaigns when you have sales, or there would be no point! 2020 Marketing Calendar makes things easier for you. We put together a marketing calendar that marks all of the important days of 2020 (including some fun ones!) as well as some great advice to go with each month to make sure you don’t miss any important opportunities. Making sure you’re on top of it when it comes to planning for those special occasions.

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