Decentralised application to manage code snippets & protect sensitive data
Decentralised application to manage code snippets & protect sensitive data
DECS is the all-in-one workspace to manage your code snippets and to protect sensitive application data. We developed DECS (abbreviated as Decentralised Encrypted Code Snippets) to address some of the following critical aspects of software development.
The main focus of DECS is Security and Productivity. 1) Security DECS (vault feature) provides you with an out-of-the-box solution to (platform agnostic) store and organise sensitive app data with encryption enabled by default. We provide all our users, a default storage hub where you can host and version control your encrypted secrets for FREE. Our users own their data in the right way (not the pseudo-ownership), and data is end-to-end encrypted with keys that they alone hold. Not even we could see what's in their workspace. 2) Productivity Code reuse alone can be daunting but an easy to use all in one workspace approach where code reuse accompanied by refactoring, review and repurposing can make the software development process more efficient and enjoyable. We enable R4 Strategy: REUSE, REFACTOR, REPURPOSE and REVIEW for developers to become a PRO'ductive' developers. Be productive and secure using DECS.