Ask for Task
Online Platform connecting people in real time for all the errands, tasks and neighbourhood jobs.
Ask for Task
Online Platform connecting people in real time for all the errands, tasks and neighbourhood jobs.
Ask for Task is an online service platform where, rather than relying on family members, expensive service people or putting tasks off until it’s too late; you can now just post a task on Ask for Task and get it done faster! All you have to do is signup and Post a task for free. You will have the option to choose your own price and set the time and date you need it to be done by. Local reliable people in neighborhood or as we call them "Taskers" then bid and the lowest gets selected. Once the task is done, The task poster or “Asker” just needs to mark the task as done and give feedback to the Tasker. then releases the amount reserved by Asker and transfers it to Tasker. The whole transactions takes place through out safe and secure payment system