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Cynthia AI

Analyze your qualitative data at scale with an AI companion

Cynthia AI is an AI-powered analytics platform that analyzes customer feedback from multiple sources, providing product teams with actionable insights to improve user satisfaction & retention.

Here's how Cynthia makes your life easier: - Seamless Integrations: Connect all your data sources. Set it up once, then let Cynthia do the heavy lifting. - Smart Trends & Reports: Instantly surface top complaints, compliments, and requests. No more endless scrolling! - "Ask Cynthia": Got a burning question? Just ask! Cynthia provides personalized, data-driven answers in seconds. We're a small team with big dreams, and Cynthia is still growing!

Use code EARLYADOPTERS50 to get 50% off on your subscription for 6 months. Our way of saying thanks for being our early adopter

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